Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Dark Fables for Modernity: The Spider and the Arrogant Fly

 There once was a Spider, young and wise. He spun his web in the open where the foolish Flies buzzed, but not a single one flew into his web. Seeing the Spider’s struggle, the arrogant Fly landed below his web, and called the other animals to his side. “Cast your eyes upon this fool, who spins webs were his prey might easily spot him. Laugh at him, and his folly.” And the animals did laugh; all but the Spider who, to the surprise of all, thanked the Fly. “A fool indeed,” said the Fly, “this spider does not even know when he is being mocked!” With that, the Fly took off into the air, and was gone.
            A curious Squirrel climbed up to the Spider, and inquired, “Why have you thanked he who has made you out to be a dullard?” At this, the Spider smiled and said “I love my boastful enemy, for he shows me my weakness, as well as his own.” With that, the spider crept into a hollow log, where he spun a new web. There, hidden from sight, he caught many insects who passed through unsuspectingly. Among the Spider’s victims was the arrogant Fly, who he promptly had for supper.

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