Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Duelling Hares

There was a set of Hares, equal in physical prowess in every way. They tested each other endlessly, but neither could best the other. "Fine, let us race to see who is the fastest, as that is the truest test of a hare in the real world" said one to the other, and the other agreed.

So they set to training night and day, and in this regard they were not equal. The first hare set to memorizing the route until he knew it perfectly. He ran the course until every turn and root was memorized. The second hare took to practicing on multiple routes, learning to surprise himself with jumping over various sized roots, and run turns with various degrees.

On the day of the race, the second hare hoped desperately for a flood to render the planned course useless, but none came. The first hare beat him easily, as he was familiar with the course. "Ha" said the first hare, "we may be equal in strength, but i am superior in brains!"

At that moment a fox came barreling through the wood, seeking out a hare for dinner. The fox chased the hares, and the second escaped as he was used to new terrain, where the other was not. As the fox chewed the first hare, the second looked on and said, "he who is limited to the false structure of schoolyard lessons is eaten whole by the variety of reality"

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